Coldplay outline their sustainability goals and pledge to make their upcoming Music Of The Spheres Tour as sustainable and low-carbon as possible
ChatGPT The “Music of the Spheres” World Tour by Coldplay is committed to sustainability and low-carbon practices, adhering to principles of reducing consumption and emissions, reinventing green technologies, and restoring the environment. The tour aims to slash its direct emissions by over 50% compared to its 2016-17 tour, partnering with DHL for sustainable logistics. The […]
Massive Attack Unleashes Strategy to Cut Carbon Footprint in Music Sector
Massive Attack have released the findings of their partnership with the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, proposing a course of action for the “urgent and significant reassembly” of the music industry to combat the climate crisis. Among the shifts required for “rapidly accelerated” progress are the immediate elimination of private jet use, a switch to electric […]
Super-Low Carbon Live Music: a roadmap for the UK live music sector to play its part in tackling the climate crisis
In this roadmap we outline a set of clearly defined and measurable targets that the live music sector could adopt to play a leading role in meeting the Paris Agreement on climate change. In our discussions and interviews with people from across the sector, we found widespread commitment to reassembling practices post Covid-19 so that […]
How events are contributing to deadly air pollution and what we can do about it
The size of the problem Diesel fuel use is a major environmental and public health issue. The UK festival, live, and sports event industry uses a huge volume of diesel through the widespread use of generators at events. The emissions from this diesel burn have a large impact on the environment and human health… The […]